University News


Posted: May 10, 2017

Q:  What lead you to become a professor?

我以“占星师”的身份开始了我的教胜博发体育app涯,,阐述星座背后的传说,当时我15岁,是一名女童子军夏令营辅导员.  就是在那里,我开始明白一个好故事的迷人力量.  我对讲故事的热爱使我在大学主修英语, 特别是比较文学和神话.  In grad school, the world of “live storytelling” in theater arts became my academic love; my emphasis was playwriting and directing. 

我十七岁时成为基督徒.  发现与上帝关系的奇妙, 我“近距离接触”了最伟大的故事讲述者:上帝自己!   上帝让我们通过故事来学习,他选择了故事作为媒介,这并非巧合 story 当他在我们中间行走时,教导我们他神圣的真理. The parable is God's idea; that is why we flock to stories, and that is why they have the power to mold us.

难怪撒旦千方百计地用坏故事填满我们的头脑?  I pray that my students learn to take the pulse of the stories they write (as though their stories were living things); may they always feel the heartbeat of God at the center!  让我们用上帝真理的咆哮来平息坏故事的哀鸣.

 In 1976, I jumped at the chance to teach the science of writing, the craft of literary analysis, and the art 太平洋基督教学院(现为HIU)讲故事课程   When I began my ministry at HIU, I was the youngest member of the faculty; now I am the longest-serving, full-time faculty member at Hope, about to complete my 41st year!  Daily, 我认为这是我一生中最大的荣誉之一,教胜博发体育app如何将“上帝的故事”编织到“他们自己的生活故事”中.”



Sacred Trust

People often ask me, “你怎么能在你的整个职业生涯中在同一个地方做同样的工作呢?我的回答总是一样的:“从来都不一样。”! Every wide-eyed, 热情的新一代胜博发体育app带来了新鲜的视角, 心中涌动着建设一个荣耀上帝的美好世界的梦想.  I may have taught my subject before, but I have not taught it to this student 这对我们俩来说都是一次新的冒险!  I consider it a “sacred trust,当我和我的胜博发体育app一起开始我们的旅程时,我们就进入了这个状态.  Whether it is in the classroom, over a cup of tea in my office, 或者在学术咨询预约期间绘制他们的生活轨迹, 我们之间的"神圣信任"是我非常重视的神圣纽带.

Great Commission 

“所以,你们要去,使万民作我的门徒……这是马太福音28:19“大使命”的开场白.  My ministry at HOPE has brought all nations within the reach of my influence, 因为每个学期开始时,来自不同国家的胜博发体育app都很愉快, speaking many languages, 代表着丰富多彩的文化遗产.  I love the diversity in the Body of Christ.  I marvel at how quickly we all meld into one family of believers; we seem to know instantly that we will spend eternity together; we might as well start the feast now! 

Great cloud of Witnesses (Heb. 12:1)

三十年来,我有幸能叫出毕业生的名字并宣布他们获得的荣誉. 我最喜欢的时刻,是我们目光相视时那会心的一瞥:“我做到了。!” came beaming my way; “I knew you could!” was my steady reply!   我将永远珍惜我宣布超过8的角色,当他们踏上毕业典礼的讲台时.  Students became graduates; graduates became alums, 他们的每一步都带走了我的一部分心.  他们成了我见证人的大云,” so to speak; I have done all I can to be worthy of their trust.  很多人回来拜访我,给我的生活增添了光彩, letters, Christmas cards, phone calls, and photographs of beautiful babies!  当我有以前胜博发体育app的孩子在班上时,我有幸被称为“大教授”.  我认出了这个名字,我笑着说:“你父母在我的课上调情!” 



HIU has given me roots and wings.   I have been allowed to soar on wings 当我在这个伟大的世界上旅行时:说话, writing, training, teaching, mentoring, publishing, 第一次见到无数的老朋友, 但我总是看到我的“夜之光” roots 希望在我3号楼的办公室里熊熊燃烧rd floor of the Nutwood building.  我是否在剖析苏格拉底的论证.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity, 或者在新生作文课上教他们标点符号的正确位置. I love to learn; I love to teach, 我活着就是为了通过基督教真理的精神视角来表达这种学习.


Q:  What do you enjoy about teaching here?

The Body of Christ

My colleagues at HOPE have become family.  As the years marched by, 我们在基督里的兄弟姐妹们以我从未想象过的方式充实了我的生活!  The scriptures promise this: “…我们这许多人,在基督里也是如此,成为一个身体,肢体彼此联络.” (Rom. 12:5) 我一生中最亲密的一些朋友是我一起工作的人!  What a privilege; what a joy!

Velcro Kids

每年12月,我们家都会收到圣诞贺卡,庆祝“魔术贴孩子”的一生——这些胜博发体育app闯入了我们的生活, shared their hearts, and simply STUCK to us, like Velcro!  他们已经成为“一家人”——我们一起庆祝胜利和悲剧.  我们可能没带"维可牢小孩" into 这个世界,但我们有特权装备他们去 into this world.        


在90年代,我是一个叫做 ACTS:  “Actors Committed To Service.” Every year, 六名才华横溢的HOPE胜博发体育app组成了一个表演剧团,名副其实地“通过表演完成大学学业”,以换取学费, room, and board.  这些青年男女在整个学年都在教堂表演,并与青年团体一起玩“戏剧运动”, 然后挤进一辆HIU货车,拖着一辆装满灯的拖车, sound, 并在全国各地演出,为来自阿拉斯加的青年夏令营和教堂演出, to Florida; they even surfed the beaches in Hawaii!  我经常会和他们一起挤进货车里,体验那种只有在还有很长一段路要走,而巧克力又不够吃的时候才会有的欢乐.  我不愿拿这光荣的十年中的任何一刻来交换!  我的办公室仍然装饰着那些戏剧奇迹的笑脸——“魔术贴小孩”等等!

Online Teaching and Course Writing

我一直敬畏上帝允许我为基督预备年轻男女成为改变世界的人而谋生, 但是,当我教室的墙壁爆炸时,这种敬畏感成倍增加, and I began teaching online!  我非常喜欢与那些平衡工作、家庭和学校的专业人士会面.  这些成人学习者都是英雄,我喜欢做他们的啦啦队长! I embrace the challenge of translating on-ground course material into online the format; I think course-writing is fun!  我很高兴地发现,我这些年的“右脑”, 创造性的能量并没有让我的左脑安静下来, techno-savvy” skills!  




我作为一个讲故事的人的职业生涯可能早在我的女童子军时代就开始讲述简单的明星传奇了, 但这种创造性的呼召已经在我的事工中开花结果,成为一名面向儿童观众的基督教剧作家, youth, and adults all across the world. I married the “love of my life,” Steve Alley; we have been partners in ministry ever since the first day we met way back in 1973, 牧师蒂姆·库普把我们的双手放在一起说, "看看你们俩能不能为儿童教堂想点什么.” 我们不仅设计了一个以小品为基础的“儿童教会”课程, SKITuations但在过去的42年里,我们也一起过着共同的生活! The Lord blessed us with one son, Jason—who married his lovely Emily—and, in turn, 他们给了我们漂亮的孙女:10岁的蒂根·诺埃尔和4岁的希洛·布里尔·艾黎. 

Dramatic Sermon Illustrations

My years of writing original, 基督教戏剧小品和选美使我成为集团出版公司的特约剧作家 Preaching Plus with Dr. Leonard Sweet.  在我的本科和研究生课上,我抽样了我的戏剧作品,因为我帮助胜博发体育app们看到戏剧故事是如何触及耶稣的教学风格的, the “Picture Preacher.”

Women's Ministry Speaker

I love to encourage women!  Our role is so vital in marriage, 在养育孩子的过程中——“小奇迹”,” in the church, and in the work world.  我有幸在会议、静修和特别活动上向成千上万的女性发表演讲.  我的每一个不同的静修主题都涉及到东道主会众的女性作为“skermon”的玩家。 (skit and sermon in one) designed to illustrate the theme.  

Author and Christian Educator

My brilliant husband, Steve, 我被邀请为迪斯尼发行的C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.  我们为不同的场所写了不同的课程,以帮助孩子们理解电影中基督教的相似之处.  我们被要求再次这样做,为了发布 Prince Caspian as well.  还有富勒顿的东区基督教学校, Steve and I wrote a 1,000-lesson, 基督教学校圣经课程标题, “Biblical Choices For A New Generation,” published by Standard Publishing.     



Church Dramatist 

For 10 years, (’95-2005) I served as Director of Dramatic Arts at Crossroads Christian Church in Corona, California, 在那里,我有幸与主任牧师一起工作,通过戏剧为这个快速增长的5人会众讲解福音,000.   这段经历改变了我的生活,我继续担任教会戏剧顾问,为那些寻求通过教会和社区的神圣戏剧活动将福音带入生活的人提供咨询.


My Second Wind!

My husband and I are enjoying our 42-year-long honeymoon; our family is our delight, 每一个新的黎明都是上帝给我们信心的投票,让我们相信还有新的一天在等待着我们.  We have both found our 2nd wind for the journey. In this season of my life, 我唯一的焦点是全心事奉神, soul, mind, and strength.  上帝赋予我的才能是我在这充满动感的使命生活冒险中的“风帆之风”.  有人问我:“你打算慢下来吗??我微笑着回答说:“只有在我开车的时候,然后只有在红灯的时候。!”   So far, I see no red lights in my future; I’m having too much fun!